
Donations can be made by:
Your on-line banking:  Payee: PDCA email:
Cheque to:  Treasurer PDCA, 21 Richard St., Kingston K7M 2J3
Cash at Association events

Please  indicate in the message line for e-transfer or cheque if you wish to direct your donation to gardens, events, or other.

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Get Involved Kingston
Visit Get Involved Kingston, the City of Kingston’s new public engagement platform. Follow and participate in engagement opportunities to help shape projects, policies and initiatives. Share your ideas for making Kingston a better place to live, work and play.

The new DASH (Development Approval and Services Hub) portal gives you 24/7 access to municipal development services and valuable community information.

Resources for Kingston Residents
Reach emergency services, bylaw enforcement, building permit information and more….

Keep in touch with our district Councillor, Don Amos ,our voice in council.

We work closely with Councillor Amos and hope to start planning for a regular ‘Councillor Connect’ event in the future.

View Councillor Amos’s City Web Page…