Featured News & Events
Come and be a part of the Portsmouth District Community Association (PDCA) Join us to be involved in the shaping and growth of our dynamic and beautiful district. Date: May 5th, 2-4pm Location: Portsmouth Olympic Harbour- Press Lounge Join us for the Councillor...
April 16, 2023, from 2 pm to 4 pmPortsmouth Olympic Harbour Building53 Yonge Street, KingstonDoors open at 1:15 p.m. for membership registration and payment This is our first in-person AGM since 2020, due to the pandemic. We are excited to be able to again welcome...
Have a Seat at Our Table…or any Table!
This is a very dynamic time for our district...with large initiatives as well as ongoing improvements, affecting pedestrian and bike safety, the Kingston Penitentiary Visioning, the Provincial Campus, Heritage designation and more. There are...
Who Are We?
We’re a small but growing community association serving, Portsmouth, Calvin Park, Polson Park, and Fairway Hills.
We’re looking to evolve into a group where we can support active and involved folks who live in the Portsmouth District to be engaged and involved in the growth and success of our community.
Through our liaison with city staff, planners and officials, we hope to affect the decisions which impact our waterfront, public services such as schools, transporation, infrastructure and heritage as well as preserving our parks and gardens.
If you’d like to join the association, you’ll be supporting our PDCA community events and have the option to receive our newsletters which bring you up to date information on activities and developments that affect all of us.
Our Primary Objectives are to:
- Preserve and enhance the quality of life for residents of the entire Portsmouth District including seniors, families, students and local businesses
- Advance the interests of the entire community of the entire Portsmouth District
We aim to achieve these objectives by:
- Acting as advocates for the interests of residents of Portsmouth District with the appropriate officials, agents and groups on questions that affect our community
- Liaising and partnering with other agents and organizations about matters which impact Portsmouth District and the City of Kingston
- Preserving historic Portsmouth Village as a heritage area
- Organizing and promoting community events
- Developing the means to ensure that the lines of communication between our residents, our city staff and our district councillor remain accessible and effective, for example our Coffee with the Councillor events which provides an opportunity for informal sharing of ideas and questions with our district councillor.For more information about these events, please sign up for our free eNewsletter.
Join the PDCA Membership
Your membership fees assist us in planning events, maintaining our gardens and continuing to engage in community initiatives.
Optional Donation or Membership: This fee supports the hosting of events, the maintenance of locally supported gardens
Family: $30
Single: $20
Quick Links
Get Involved Kingston
Visit Get Involved Kingston, the City of Kingston’s new public engagement platform. Follow and participate in engagement opportunities to help shape projects, policies and initiatives. Share your ideas for making Kingston a better place to live, work and play. View Web Page...
The new DASH (Development Approval and Services Hub) portal gives you 24/7 access to municipal development services and valuable community information. View Web Page...
Resources for Kingston Residents
Reach emergency services, bylaw enforcement, building permit information and more. View Web Page...